Cleaning Your Own Ductwork and Ventilation System: A Word of Caution for Restaurant Owners

Woman in hazmat suit and mask cleaning table with spray and blue gloves on

As a restaurant owner, managing costs is a constant challenge. One area you might consider for cost-cutting is the cleaning of your ductwork and ventilation system. While it may seem like a straightforward task, it’s important to understand the complexities and risks involved. Ensuring that your ventilation system meets appropriate standards, such as TR/19, is […]

The Importance of TR19 Cleaning Frequency

person in white cleaning suit with blue gloves on wipes wooden side

Did you know that 70% of fires in commercial kitchens are traced back to faulty extract ventilation systems? It’s a staggering statistic, but not entirely surprising when you consider the dangerous cocktail of grease, carbon, and steam that can accumulate in kitchen ducts during cooking. “Ticking Time Bomb” Picture this: as you whip up your […]

What is TR19? Ductwork Regulations Explained

bars of golds stacked on top of each other

Introducing TR19: The Gold Standard in Kitchen Extraction and Duct Cleaning Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to keep your kitchen extraction system running smoothly? The answer lies in TR19, a standard set by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) that ensures the cleanliness and efficiency of ductwork systems. But what […]

Fire Damper Testing: What You Need to Know

Fire Damper

Fire dampers stand as essential guardians in a building’s defence against fire. Just like the intricate cogs of a well-oiled machine, they must undergo regular testing to ensure they’re up to the task. This isn’t just a suggestion—it’s a directive laid out in BS9999:2017, emphasising the critical importance of competent and frequent testing. But what […]

Discovering the Secrets of Air Duct Cleaning

Ductwork systems silently weave through the fabric of our buildings, ensuring the air we breathe remains fresh and clean. But behind the scenes, a build-up of dust, mould, and contaminants can lurk, affecting both air quality and system efficiency. It’s a vital process often overlooked, but one that demands attention to ensure the health and […]

Greasy in the City

Severe grease build-up

In the bustling heart of the Royal Exchange, one of our beloved restaurants found itself in quite a pickle recently. Safe to say, their system had been bunged up beyond belief. Let’s be honest, when we stumbled upon the state of affairs up there, our reaction was pretty much summed up in a succinct “What […]

Stewart’s Day on the Road

Pro Duct Sales team member wearing high vis and protective equipment

Stewart, a key pillar of our sales team, recently participated in extraction cleaning at a food production factory. Recognising the significance of firsthand knowledge regarding the daily tasks of our operatives, he rolled up his sleeves and joined them in their duties. In a humorous twist, some onlookers couldn’t help but mistake Stewart for a dinner […]

Ductwork ASMR

woman performing asmr on professional microphone

One of the may pleasures of the job, and one of the rare times it doesn’t take hours to chip away.   There are few things rival the satisfying sound of removing grease build-up from ductwork, particularly when it’s the stubborn, crusty variety.   While it might not tickle everyone’s fancy, it undeniably offers a […]

Fish & Chips With a Side of Grease?

Fish & Chips Grease

We know that Fish & Chips are known for being a little greasy on occasion, but this well and truly takes the biscuit! Behold this astonishing sight: a takeaway box brimming with grease, painstakingly extracted from one of our beloved local fish and chip shops. Our equipment registered wet film thickness deposit readings exceeding a […]

Who knew grease could do that?!

Grease Stalactite

Grease Stalactites?? These are the (grease) stalactites in an exclusive London clubs kitchen extract system. They are what nature offers up as the perfect tinder! Infuriatingly- annoyingly – unbelievably – criminally this system has been being “cleaned” by a “reputable” company for years. Don’t take their word for it!!